Squash Australia is moving from SportyHQ to revolutioniseSPORT

Squash Australia has begun the transition from SportyHQ to revolutioniseSPORT. Clubs and Centres will be set up with a free revolutioniseSPORT account which will provide a fully integrated membership, competition and club management system, and a new website among many other features. 


Training sessions

To assist clubs and centres to set up and use the new platform, free training will be provided by revolutioniseSPORT.

Intro to revolutioniseSPORT: 2hrs

The first training includes a broad introduction to the platform’s capabilities • Primarily used to help generate excitement & support the change management piece • Focuses on the core functionalities of the platform - more a ‘what is possible’ rather than ‘how is it achieved’


Getting started: 1hr

Focuses on setting up an account to take registrations • Address what needs instant attention once administrators receive access to their portal • More targeted and specific than the Intro to revolutioniseSPORT session- very much a ‘how to do’ summary of aspect critical to opening registrations


Super-user: 1hr 30mins

A deeper dive into utilising five or six of the platform’s additional features • Includes Governance tools, Events, & Classes • Also covers more complex Member reporting and management.